Customer Testimonials

Our kitchen sink had accumulated much grease. The water from the sink was not draining. We tried snaking but that did not help. We called Local Garbage Disposal and they were at our house the same day. The technician was courteous and knowledgeable. He unclogged the drain very quickly. We highly recommend them. ~ Home owner, Vienna, Virginia

Just wanted to thank you again for your efforts back in November. Your quick response and reasonable pricing was greatly appreciated especially since it was Thankgiving day! Many thanks your Plumbing Team for coming to my rescue! ~ Jody Shipe, Arlington, VA

I highly recommend Local Garbage Disposal due their excellent service and competitive prices. They just installed the garbage disposal under our kitchen sink. Their work is very professional. They cleaned up after them – there was no mess left behind. Thanks for the hard work! ~ Bred Harris, Rockville, MD

Local Garbage Disposal gave me a great estimate and quality service. I am really impressed with their honesty. I highly recommend them. ~ Toni, Washington, D.C.

It was very easy to set up an appointment with Local Garbage Disposal. It was midnight and they answered the phone promptly. The next day the plumber showed up on time. He was very courtesous and knowledgeable. Also, I found their prices very reasonable. ~ Joseph Brian, Bethesda, MD

I am happy we called Local Garbage Disposal when we needed a new garbage disposal installed. The company sent somebody right away. The technician was very efficient. He left the place spotless. ~ Adam Hughes, Ashburn, VA

Local Garbage Disposal provides superior customer service and quality workmanship! The technician who visited our house was prompt, courteous, and extremely knowledgable. Thank you for a job well done. ~ Sandy, McLean, VA

I just wanted to write a quick note thanking you for getting our garbage disposal fixed so quickly – we appreciate the prompt and professional service you provided us ~ Mandi and Sam, Leesburg, VA

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